I miss my beloved sister Kimberly Ann

Life isn't fair.
Life has different meanings.
Life is complicated.
Life should be cherished.

My beloved sister Kimberly Ann Schrembs died at birth from the exact same disorder I had at birth 9 years earlier. So many "whys?".

It hurts to look at this photo. It hurts to think about what might have been. It hurts to know how much this hurt my mother. My God.

I post this to remember. To remind. She had a name. She had a mother. She had a father. She had 2 brothers. She had family. She was beautiful. The photos of her are forever etched in my mind this beautiful little girl in a white satin dress. I'm crying writing this. I loved her then and I do now. Hold on to your loved ones. Don't hesitate to care or to let them know you care. Life. Man. 
