White woman gains wealth, education, and employment pretending to be black Rachel Dolezal
I read a story about a woman, named Rachel Dolezal, who has been lying for years claiming that she was/is black.
Though I limit my political, social, etc. beliefs to me - God - and, when warranted, to my children/loved ones/family/etc. it is stories (and none are quite like this one) like this that need to be discussed, debated, and heard.
Her parents confirm that not only is she white but that there is no known family member, dating back centuries, who (whole and/or in part) was African American. Her only family members who are African American are her two adopted brothers and her ex-husband and (note - there is alternate information online about this) possibly her children through the marriage.
Solely based upon her lies she (including but not limited to); attended Howard University on scholarship, was appointed president of the NAACP in Spokane Washington, and other various employment/education opportunities.
Here are a few videos that, among other things, are eye opening about this matter.
Though I limit my political, social, etc. beliefs to me - God - and, when warranted, to my children/loved ones/family/etc. it is stories (and none are quite like this one) like this that need to be discussed, debated, and heard.
Her parents confirm that not only is she white but that there is no known family member, dating back centuries, who (whole and/or in part) was African American. Her only family members who are African American are her two adopted brothers and her ex-husband and (note - there is alternate information online about this) possibly her children through the marriage.
Solely based upon her lies she (including but not limited to); attended Howard University on scholarship, was appointed president of the NAACP in Spokane Washington, and other various employment/education opportunities.
According to her parents, and her adopted brothers who are African American, she willfully lied for decades about her race and her brother said that she asked him (among others) to never disclose that she is white. She even posted fake photographs of an African-American man, on Facebook and other social media sites, who she claimed was her father.
This story is not only shocking but shows the idiocy in (including but not limited to) college admittance whereby, under the guise of diversity, anyone claiming to be a minority is given preferential treatment thus creating real victims.
I have always believed in the wisdom, and works, of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who believed/said that (to paraphrase) "I pray for a day in which a man will be judged by his character and not the color of his skin".
Contrary to belief, and the constitution which provides for "equal protection under the law", we are not all treated equally. If a police man/woman gets killed (sadly) the prosecution is swift and the prosecutor vigorously demands the harshest penalties in court proceedings. If a gay person (sadly) is involved in an altercation it can be, with direct evidence or not, categorized as a "hate crime" and the injured party is entitled to additional options/protections and the perpetrator is punished with additional charges.
In courts, society, and the workplace basically everyone other than a white heterosexual christian male is considered (and thus entitled to extra support, protections, remedies, rights, etc.) to be a minority.
Shockingly, this woman even went to the police on several occasions and wanted others charged for a hate crime solely because she (falsely) claimed she was African American. After investigation her claims were proven to be false. Real people could have faced real prosecution and real prision time had this turned out differently.
Even women, who now surpass men in the population here in the United States, are considered as minorities and (again) given extra rights, remedies, treatments, etc.
I believe that everyone should be given the same rights, remedies, protections, love, consideration, respect, etc.
Basically this woman has received (legal terms) goods, services, monetary benefits, tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars for education, etc. by purposely lying about her race. Once the initial disbelief wears off I would hope that steps, including possibly criminal charges, would be taken so that any/all benefits/jobs she is receiving are revoked/changed to reflect the fact that (a) she lied and (b) she is white. This is a serious injustice that requires serious answers/actions.
Not only is this wrong but there were other individuals, African American or otherwise, who did not get into College because of her. Did not get a position of power in the NAACP. Did not enrich themselves monetarily. Did not have the chance for job(s). Did not have the chance for admittance in college. This is a tragedy and there are, and were, REAL VICTIMS whose lives were adversely affected (directly and/or indirectly) because of this woman's lies.
Not only has this woman lied, time and time and time again, but she was employed to teach our youth about African American studies under the guise that she was African American.
Things need to change and all races should be celebrated, admired, and respected. God made us all so respect his work(s) and love our fellow man.
Jeff Schrembs - 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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