Humbled (by Jeff Schrembs ALL RIGHTS RESERVED)

Humbled. No not in reference to "the ghost of christmas past" or "Scrooge" but H U M B L E D.

Some dictonaries define this word as: hum·ble
past tense: humbled; past participle: humbled
  1. lower (someone) in dignity or importance.
    "I knew he had humbled himself to ask for my help"
    • decisively defeat (another team or competitor, typically one that was previously thought to be superior).
      "he was humbled by his political opponents"

  2. In my lifetime there wasn't time, I thought, to recognize certain things and/or to be humble. Well, things have sure changed and even though I am approaching a birthday that starts with the number "5" (AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHH) I not only am fluent with this word but have lived it for many moments of these past few years.

In this busy world it is my hope, after ones' health - relationship with God - and family, that each of you will take the time to be thankful - to strive to be better - to be kind - to listen - to not take things for granted - and to be....humble. 

While we may think we are special, and we are, so is our fellow man. 

Humility does not mean weakness and, in fact, it (in some cases) can take a lifetime to recognize it.

May God bless you one and all.

Jeff Schrembs

