What happened after the movie ended (by Jeff Schrembs 2014 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Ever wonder what happens, really, after the movie ends? Well, here are a few answers all in good fun:

Pretty woman - when her looks diminished she was back on the streets.

Jurassic Park - a butterfly ended up growing 97 feet long and shot fire from it's mouth. Before taking out 20 of the US major cities Godzilla swatted him out of the sky.

Love me tender - Elvis survived his gunshot. Stayed married. Had children. Met "Carnival Parker" and went on to international fame.

Godzilla - after battling a 97 foot long, fire breathing, butterfly Godzilla was thanked for all of 16 hours. On the 16th hour and one minute mark he has nuked. As he returned back to the sea he held up his middle finger as long as he could.

Gone with the wind - Scarlet and Rhett rebuild Tara only to lose it to a carpetbagger. Rhett tried to defend his home but failed as US troops opened fire with a gatling gun.

Ted - he fell asleep with an electric blanket on which caught on fire. The doctors tried saving his head but it was too big and fluffy. Not to mention reeked.

