To Mothers on Mothers Day 2014 (by Jeff Schrembs)

Mothers…more than the 7 letters it takes to form the word.
Mothers are where life (literally) beings.
Mothers are the ones who, while expecting, put their; hopes, dreams, and love into the child they have never met.
Mothers create a bond with their children from within the womb.
Mothers are the foundation of a family…and more.
Mothers not only should be honored, appreciated, and respected on Mothers Day but the other 364 days as well.
Mothers raise their children that is, at the same time, unique and on par with the very first mother…Eve.
Mothers don’t need to be taught for they have instincts, feelings, and methods that no one else can imagine let alone experience.
Mothers are so special that all the words in Websters cannot being to describe.
I (truly and humbly) wish the mother of my children, their mothers, etc. nothing but; happiness, good health, long life, and most of all love. That they truly know how much they mean, and meant, in the heart and that they always know that in good times and bad there is nothing greater than a mothers love…and love for mothers.
Happy Mothers Day 2014
