
1969 newspaper review of Elvis in Vegas

Elvis Expert Jeff Schrembs: Long enough

The Elvis Presley Expert: Loving You Elvis Presley scene "Mean Woman Blues"

Things that sustain us. Part 1 - A son's poem

When a family member dies (by Jeff Schrembs)

Sins of the Father? (by Jeff Schrembs)

The Elvis Presley Expert: Elvis Presley 78th birthday January 8, 2013 (by Je...

The Elvis Presley Expert: Elvis Presley 78th birthday January 8, 2013 (by Je...

Elvis Presley New Year's Eve 1955-1976

The Elvis Presley Expert: Elvis Presley and New Years Eve 1955-1976

The Elvis Presley Expert: Elvis Presley and New Years Eve 1955-1976